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  • Celebrate the anniversary of you first kiss together in a romantic place with Champagne!

  • Send a dozen red roses, with a note: You are my red rose, partner's firstname

  • Offer your lover a special gift, like the posters on this site. And sign it with a sweet word from you. It's really original, and not expensive.

  • Find a great romantic nickname: honey, my sweet darling, mon bébé, mon lapin, mon trésor, mon amour... something special, just between you two

  • Give a Romantic Love coupon: Free for any love suggestion!

  • Write him/her a check for: anything you want! and sign it: with love. A good tip: seal it with a kiss, leaving lipstick if you're a girl

  • Winter hot bath together by candlelight

  • Give a special key-ring

  • On a summer night, take 2 blankets, a camping mattress, a bottle of Champagne and go outdoors to sleep out in the open. Look at the most amazing show in the word: stars in the night. And maybe you will spot a shooting star...
    (the best time in France to watch them is the first 2 weeks of August.)

  • Give perfume from Paris

  • Celebrate a B-day in Paris, or find your little Paris nearby. It doesn't have to be far, just a little bit different and romantic

  • Give a a box of chocolates with a rose.
    Please don't hide jewels in the chocolate box. Jenifer, a good friend of mine was given diamond earrings, and she thought for one week, they were fake.

  • Serve French breakfast with elegant or romantic outfit

  • Light a perfumed candle, tell him/her about the saga of your family, and share your roots

  • Anticipate what your partner would be pleased that you do, and do it. Leave a note

  • Picnic in the fields or by the river with candles, at night with fruits, cherries, raspberries and Champagne

  • Give a bottle of Champagne with strawberries

  • In summer, walk barefooted in the rain shower with your lover. Wet tops or T-shirts are natural triggers for passion and romance

  • Put a blindfold on your partner, open a bottle of Champagne, and give the surprise...

And sparks will fly!

NOTE: And please, no more sparkling super extra cheap wine. Don't try to save money on that one, thinking that anything will do. It will NOT. Anyway, how can some people expect to be romantic if they try to save a few bucks in love? What will they get for the wedding, a plastic ring? In French, we say: "en Amour, on ne compte pas," "in Love, you don't count."

Champagne gives you a special taste and puts you in the right mood. There are no secrets. If Champagne has been renowned for centuries, it's just because it is GOOD for you and GOOD for LOVE!

If you want to know how to make anyone crazy about you, I put the best tricks in my success seduction guide "The French Secrets".


Your French Coach,


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About the author: Doc Lamour is a famous international dating expert who resides in Paris, the city of love.